Wednesday, April 22, 2009


I have a weird red dot on my eyeball, my friend thinks it is a broken blood vessel but idk I just want it to go away because it looks weird! Meh!!!


Tuesday, April 21, 2009

My Grand Entrance into the World of Bloggers

Hi all! My name is Alexandra (Alex or Aly for short), I'm 14and live in North America. I am really intrigued by fashion and I play soccer, ice hockey, and I figure skate. My favorite band is Paramore but the Ting Tings are a close second, my favorite musical artist is Lady Gaga. I enjoy acting but have quite an interest in modeling I am currently around 5'1" but am supposed to end up around 5'9", I am going to have my growth spurt soon so no, I'm not completely delusional about my height. Basically this blog will be like a diary except maybe with some fashion, book, music, and movie reviews. My favorite designer labels are Michael Kors, DKNY, and Miu Miu. So now you know a bit about me and I hope you'll follow my blog!

-Alexandra xoxo